[Kobv-opus-tester] Opus4, an import problem

Edouard Simon edouard.simon at zib.de
Mo Apr 7 12:10:59 CEST 2014

Dear Milica Sevkusic,

the MetadataImporter script depends on the Pear Log package, which must 
be installed on the system.

More information about this package can be found here: 

Best regards,

Edouard Simon

Am 07.04.2014 10:45, schrieb Biblioteka Instituta tehnickih nauka SANU:
> Dear colleagues,
> I'd like to greet you all on behalf of OPUS4 users in Belgrade, Serbia. In 2013, two research institutes in Belgrade established their digital repositories using the OPUS4 software: Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (www.itn.sanu.ac.rs/opus4) and Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory (www.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/opus4). We've been very satisfied so far.
> However, the colleagues from the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory have recently tried to import a set of metadata from another repository. The xml file was prepared in accordance with the instructions provided in the Opus user manual but while trying to perform the import, they encountered the following problem (they are using OPUS 4.4.2 version):
> administrator at institut:/var/local/opus4/opus4/scripts/import$ ./MetadataImporter.php /home/administrator/filozofija_i_drustvo.xml
> PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'Log.php' (include_path='/var/local/opus4/opus4/library:.:/var/local/opus4/opus4/scripts/common:/var/local/opus4/opus4/library:.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/local/opus4/opus4/scripts/import/MetadataImporter.php on line 38
> PHP Stack trace:
> PHP   1. {main}() /var/local/opus4/opus4/scripts/import/MetadataImporter.php:0
> We would appreciate if anyone could help us solve this. What are doing wrong?
> Thank you for your collaboration.
> Best regards,
> Milica Sevkusic
> Librarian
> Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
> Knez Mihailova 35/IV
> 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
> Phone: +381 11 2636 994
> Fax: +381 11 2185 263
> E-mail: biblioteka at itn.sanu.ac.rs
> --
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Edouard Simon
Tel:   030 84185 263
Email: edouard.simon at zib.de

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