[Opt-net] 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization (BFG09) (from Moritz Diehl (moritz.diehl@esat.kuleuven.be))

optnet optnet at uni-trier.de
Mon Jan 19 15:20:16 MET 2009

First Announcement

14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization (BFG09)
September 14-18, 2009, Leuven, Belgium
Special Topic: Optimization in Engineering

This international conference is the 14th of the series of French-German
meetings which started in Oberwolfach in 1980. This time, it is organized
jointly with Belgian optimizers, and takes place in the historical
center of Leuven, Belgium's oldest university town, close to Brussels.
The conference will consist of 13 invited plenary talks, parallel
contributed sessions, mini-symposia, and a poster session. It will
address all aspects  of optimization and its applications.

Prizes for the best non-plenary talk and best poster will be awarded
during the gala dinner in the 13th century buildings of the Faculty Club
of the University of Leuven.


Pierre-Antoine ABSIL (Louvain-La-Neuve)
Samir ADLY (Limoges)
Jean-Baptiste CAILLAU (Dijon)
Roberto COMINETTI (Santiago de Chile)
Mirjam DUER (Darmstadt)
Karl KUNISCH (Graz)
Martine LABBE (Brussels)
Arkadi NEMIROVSKI (Georgia Tech)
Dominikus NOLL (Toulouse)
Sebastian SAGER (Heidelberg)
Volker SCHULZ (Trier)
Laurence WOLSEY (Louvain-La-Neuve)
(+ Simon Stevin Lecture on Optimization in Engineering, speaker tba)

- talk abstract submission April 15th, 2009
- early registration fee June 1st, 2009
-BFG09 conference September 14-18, 2009

The conference is organized by OPTEC, the "Optimization in Engineering
Center" of Katholieke Universiteit (K.U.) Leuven, in co-operation with
CORE, the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics of the Universite
Catholique de Louvain (UCL).

More info: http://www.kuleuven.be/bfg09


Moritz Diehl, Professor for Optimization in Engineering,
Electrical Engineering Department (ESAT-SCD), Room 02.82,
K.U.Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium
Phone: +32-16-321884 (Secr: -321122/-321709, Fax: -321970)
Mobile: +32-472449374, E-mail: moritz.diehl at esat.kuleuven.be.
Home Address: Ernest Solvaystraat 3, 3010 Leuven (Kessel-Lo), Belgium
Phone: 0032-16-583845. (German mobile: 0049-178-7237602)

K.U. Leuven Optimization in Engineering Center, OPTEC:

14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization (BFG 09),
September 14-18, 2009, Leuven, http://www.kuleuven.be/bfg09

Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm

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