[Opt-net] Postdoc position in Applied Mathematics at Graz University, Austria (from johannes.scherling@uni-graz.at)
optnet at uni-trier.de
Mon Jun 8 09:19:40 MEST 2009
The START-Project “Interfaces and Free Boundaries” (directed by M.
Hintermueller) hosted at the Karl Franzens University of Graz (Austria)
invites applications for a
POST-DOC Position in Applied Mathematics.
We are looking for a young scientist holding a PhD in Applied Mathematics or
Scientific Computing with specialization in at least one of the fields:
scale or PDE-constrained optimization, variational inequalities, shape or
topology optimization, mathematical image processing.
The START-project is based on a scientific award by the Austrian Federal
Ministry of Science and Research and it is administered by the Austrian
Science Fund
FWF. Besides applied mathematics, the START-Project also has a strong
component in
computational science focusing on the numerical realization of
algorithms in various
applications. For a more detailed description see the web page
http://www.uni-graz.at/imawww/ifb/. Also, the post-doc is invited to
cooperate with the
special research group on “Mathematical Optimization and Applications in
Sciences” (http://math.uni-graz.at/mobis/). The initial appointment is
for one year, but
an extension is possible. The salary follows the rules of the FWF
Please send your application by email to michael.hintermueller at uni-graz.at.
Your email should contain a pdf-file as an attachment with the following
* Curriculum Vitae (CV),
* a short description of your qualifications and experience (publications,
* a letter describing concisely your scientific interests,
* names and email-addresses of at least two scientists willing to provide
Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermueller, Institute for Mathematics and
Scientific Computing, University of Graz, Heinrichstr. 36, A-8010 Graz,
Austria; tel.: + 43 316 380 5076, Fax: + 43 316 380 9818.
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