[Opt-net] Call for Participation MAPSP 2009

Marc Uetz m.uetz at utwente.nl
Tue Jun 16 10:25:16 MEST 2009

        Call for Participation MAPSP 2009

Ninth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning
      and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2009)

            June 29 - July 3, 2009
   Abbey Rolduc, Kerkrade, The Netherlands


The final program of MAPSP 2009 is now online on our
website. Some of the highlights are:

- 5 invited talks by Sanjoy K. Baruah, Chandra Chekuri,
  Fritz Eisenbrand, Tim Roughgarden, and Frits Spieksma

- 90 contributed talks (7 plenary, 83 parallel)

- ILOG hands-on session on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
  (few places are still available)

- Conference location & housing in an impressive abbey,
  founded in the 12th century

- Excursion through Maastricht by step scooter,
  conference dinner in 1200-year old caves

- Soccer during lunch breaks or early evening,
  genuine abbey beer for later in the evening

Workshop sponsors are: DSM, ILOG, IBM, KNAW, NWO,
Maastricht University, University of Twente

Cliff Stein, Marc Uetz, Tjark Vredeveld
Chairs MAPSP 2009

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