[Opt-net] Faculty Position at UANL

Roger Z Rios rzrm at yalma.fime.uanl.mx
Fri Mar 20 22:24:33 MET 2009

//                                                  //
//                                                  //
//     Graduate Program in  Systems Engineering     //
//                                                  //
//          Tenure-Track Faculty Positions          //
//                                                  //

The Graduate Program in Systems Engineering at
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL) is seeking
candidates for one or more tenure-track faculty
positions.  The program (http://yalma.fime.uanl.mx/~pisis)
offers MSc and PhD degrees in systems engineering with 
area of concentration in operations research.

The applicants must have a PhD in operations research,
management science, industrial/systems engineering,
applied probability, computer science, or a related
area.  The search is open to all areas of specialization. 
Preference will be given to candidates with a strong 
background in one or more of the following research areas: 
heuristic/metaheuristic search, stochastic modeling
(queueing, simulation, applied probability), supply chain
management, revenue management, large-scale system
optimization, or stochastic optimization; or the
following application areas: natural resources
(electricity, natural gas, oil, water systems), logistics
and transportation, service industry, or manufacturing

Applicants must be fluent in Spanish or willing to
learn after appointed.  Successful applicants may start 
the appointment on August 2009 or on a later date to be 
agreed upon.

Duties include mainly teaching one or two courses 
per semester (at most one undergrad course), thesis 
supervision of graduate students, and high-quality 
research.  The program offers a wide opportunity for 
research, industrial R+D or consulting activities. 
The salary and benefits package is very attractive for 
Mexican standards.

UANL (http://www.uanl.mx) is located in San Nicolas de
los Garza, in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, the
third largest city in Mexico, with a population of over
3 million, a high concentration of artistic, cultural,
and sporting events, a growing industry in many of its
facets, and a two-hour drive from the border with Texas.

Applicants should submit: (1) a cover letter describing
professional achievements and previous research
work, and your expected contribution to the program;
(2) full CV highlighting professional experience, research
interests, publication record, computer skills, and
degree of fluency in Spanish; and (3) three letters of
recommendation (Spanish or English); addressed to 
PISIS Academic Coordinator, at the address below.  It is 
strongly encouraged one of these letters comes from the 
PhD thesis supervisor.  Electronic submission of items 
(1) and (2) is encouraged.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will
continue until the positions are filled.  For further
inquiries, please see contact information below.

|   Recruiting Committee        U A N L                        |
|                               Grad Program in Systems Eng    |
|   Off:+52(81)8329-4020 x5945  AP 126-F, Cd. Universitaria    |
|   Fax:+52(81)1052-3321        San Nicolas de los Garza, NL   |
|   jobs[at]yalma.fime.uanl.mx  MEXICO 66450                   |
|   yalma.fime.uanl.mx/~pisis/                                 |

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