[Opt-net] Workshop announcement

Didier Henrion henrion at laas.fr
Tue Sep 8 11:42:36 MEST 2009

Dear Editors

here is a workshop announcement for the OPT-NET newsletter.
Thank you.


Didier HENRION  LAAS-CNRS  7 Av Col Roche  31077 TOULOUSE  FR
Tel:+33561336308 Fax:+33561336936 http://www.laas.fr/~henrion

Workshop GeoLMI on the geometry and algebra of linear matrix inequalities
19-20 November 2009, LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France

The workshop aims at studying connections between real algebraic geometry
and semidefinite programming, with the objective of designing algorithms
to model convex semi-algebraic sets as linear matrix inequalities (LMI,
affine sections and projections of the cone of positive semidefinite

Confirmed invited speakers (alphabetical order):
- Anita Buckley, Univ. Ljubljana (SI)
- Luca Chiantini, Univ. Siena (IT)
- Aris Daniilidis, Univ. Barcelona (SP)
- Tomaz Kosir, Univ. Ljubljana (SI)
- Francois Glineur, Univ. Cath. Louvain (BE)
- Jean-Bernard Lasserre, LAAS-CNRS Univ. Toulouse (FR)
- Olivier Ruatta, Univ. Limoges (FR)
- Mark Spivakovsky, IMT-CNRS Univ. Toulouse (FR)
- Victor Vinnikov, Univ. Negev (IL)

- Daniele Faenzi, Univ. Pau (FR)
- Didier Henrion, LAAS-CNRS Univ. Toulouse (FR) and Czech Tech. Univ. Prague 
- Roland Hildebrand, LJK-CNRS Univ. Grenoble (FR)
- Jerome Malick, LJK-CNRS Univ. Grenoble (FR)
- Jean Valles, Univ. Pau (FR)

There is no registration fee, but please register by contacting
Ms Christele Soler at <csoler at laas.fr>

For updated information, see http://www.laas.fr/GeoLMI

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