[Opt-net] European Workshop MINLP, April 12-16 2010, CIRM Marseilles, France

Annick Sartenaer annick.sartenaer at fundp.ac.be
Wed Sep 16 17:33:35 MEST 2009

Preliminary announcement:

European Workshop on Mixed  Integer Nonlinear Programming
                            April 12-16, 2010
        Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
                             Marseilles, France

Invited speakers:

--Claire Adjiman, Imperial College, London
--Kurt M. Anstreicher,University of Iowa
--Pietro Belotti, Lehigh University
--Maria Elena Bruni, D.E.I.S, Università della Calabria
--Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie-Mellon University
--Michal Kocvara, University of Birmingham
--Jean Bernard Lasserre, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse
--Jon Lee, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
--Sven Leyffer, Argonne National Laboratory
--Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin-Madison
--Andrea Lodi, Università di Bologna
--Jérôme Malick, Laboratoire J. Kuntzmann, Université de Grenoble
--Frédéric Messine, ENSEEIHT-IRIT, Toulouse
--Veronica Piccialli, DIS, Università La Sapienza, Roma
--Renata Sotirov, Tilburg University
--Mohit Tawarmalani, Purdue University
--Philippe Toint, FUNDP, Namur
--Tapio Westerlund, Åbo Akademi University
--Andreas Wächter, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
--Robert Weismantel, Otto von Güricke Universität, Magdeburg
--Angelika Wiegele, Universität Klagenfurt

In addition, there will be a number of contributed presentations which
will be finalized at a later date. Details for submitting an abstract to be
considered for a contributed presentation will appear in a future

As more information becomes available, it will be posted at the conference
web site:


Please feel free to contact the organizers for additional information.

The EWMINLP Program Committee

Pierre Bonami, LIFM, Marseille <pierre.bonami at lif.univ-mrs.fr>
Leo Liberti, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique <liberti at lix.polytechnique.fr>
Andrew J. Miller, IMB, Université Bordeaux 1 
<andrew.miller at math.u-bordeaux1.fr>
Annick Sartenaer, FUNDP, Namur <annick.sartenaer at fundp.ac.be>

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