[Opt-net] Algorithms & Pretty Theorems in Paris, February 8-12, 2010

Leo Liberti leoliberti at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 19:33:45 MET 2010

Algorithms and Pretty Theorems --- Existential Polytime.
Led by Jack Edmonds and some of Claude Berge's other progeny.

The "Laboratoire d'Informatique Algorithmique: Fondements et
Applications" (LIAFA) invites you to a 5-day didactic seminar on
simple algorithmic proofs of an assortment of beautiful discrete
existence theorems, at the Hermite Amphitheatre of the historic
Institut Henri Poincaré, Latin Quarter of Paris, 11 rue Pierre et
Marie Curie - Paris 05 February 8 - 12, 2010, at 10:00 & at 14:00.

REGISTER - There is no cost and no budget. However if you are hoping to come,
please send an email to pretty.structures at free.fr


Mathematicians traditionally prove the kinds of theorem of the seminar
by contradiction, induction, double-counting. Algorithmic proofs can
be just as attractive when they are rendered in casual math language.
To be worth everyone knowing, and teaching in basic courses, will be
an aim of the seminar, with topics from graph theory, algebra,
combinatorial optimization, polymatroids, geometry, and game
theory. In celebration of “Turing Year”, P and NP will be useful.  An
"existentially polytime" or "EP" theorem is one which says that
something exists, any instance of which is easy, when it is displayed,
to recognize as an instance.  It is worth studying proofs of EP
theorems which tell a way to find an instance of whatever is asserted
to exist. Many theorems fit the paradigm when suitably stated.
Contributions are welcome.

Seminar website: http://pretty.structures.free.fr/
Institut Henri Poincaré website: http://www.ihp.jussieu.fr

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