[Opt-net] ORAHS 2010 Conference, 18-23 July 2010: news from the organizers

Roberto Aringhieri roberto.aringhieri at unito.it
Fri Jun 25 16:10:25 MEST 2010

		*** sorry for multiple posting ***

We are pleased to announce that the scientific program is now available on lne:

The program is rich and various and it is composed of 105 talks, 1 plenary and
two simposia. We would like to remark 3 high points of our scientific program. 

The conference will be open by the plenary of Gino Gumirato, currently Direttore 
Amministrativo ASL Roma and Consultant of the Office of Management and Budget, 
Executive Office of the President USA: Gumirato will give us some insights about the 
US Healthcare Reform.

On Tuesday, there will be the symposium "Inside the healthcare in Italy" at Gaslini Hospital 
in Genova: the symposium is proposed as a way to exchange and to share opinions and 
experiences concerning the modelling and the delivery of care for younger people.

On Wednesday, a second symposium will be held at the School of Economics. The 
topics is "Modelling the care of older people" from a patient-centered perspective.

Moreover, following a tradition lasting for more than thirty years, a very rich and attractive
social program is available especially for the accompanying persons as depicted here:

The 36th ORAHS (Operational Research Applied to Health Services) conference will take 
place in Genova, Italy, between July 18 and July 23. The conference venue is the School 
of Economics, University of Genova. 

All information are available on line at http://orahs2010.diem.unige.it 

ORAHS 2010 Organizing Commitee: Angela, Elena, Enrico, Giuliana, Roberto and Franco


*** Join to ORAHS 2010: http://orahs2010.diem.unige.it ***

Dr Roberto Aringhieri, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185, I-10149 Torino, Italy
Office: +39 011 6706755 - Mobile: +39 331 1239026
WWW: http://www.di.unito.it/~aringhie
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertoaringhieri
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/roberto.aringhieri

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