[Opt-net] EngOpt2010: Abstract Deadline Extension (March 26)

Gerhardwilhelm Weber gweber at metu.edu.tr
Sat Mar 20 10:05:15 MET 2010

New Abstract Deadline: 26 of March 2010

EngOpt2010 - 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization

6 - 9 September 2010, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal

Dear Colleague

Please note that the ENGOPT2010 abstract submission deadline was  
extended to March 26, 2010.

The abstract is submitted online in the conference website  
http://www.engopt2010.org where you can also obtain all the  
information about this congress.

Please forward this information to anyone you think may be interested.

We look forward to welcome you in Lisboa at the EngOpt 2010.

Yours Truly

Helder C. Rodrigues

Jose Herskovits

Cristovao Mota Soares

EngOpt2010 Chairmen

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