[Opt-net] Assistant professorship at LIX, Ecole Polytechnique

Leo Liberti leoliberti at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 08:07:48 MEST 2010

Tenure-track assistant professorship at LIX, Ecole Polytechnique

The Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX) of Ecole Polytechnique opens a
tenure-track assistant professorship with associated CNRS Chair, on
one of the following profiles:
- algorithmic geometry and computer vision
- safety and security of distributed and concurrent systems
- software engineering for industrial complex systems

Deadline for application: 25 october 2010.

The application material (in PDF) includes:
- full CV
- recommendation letters
- research plan
- teaching statement
- full list of publications
- a set of selected publications.

An online application process is being prepared; it will be announced
soon on:


*Visual computing*
  within the research team led by Prof. Frank Nielsen
   (nielsen at lix.polytechnique.fr)

Algorithmic methods of Images is undergoing a renaissance with the
spread of cross-disciplinary techniques and availability of large
online image databases. Nowadays, image processing relies on several
scientific areas such as computer vision, computational geometry and
machine learning among others.  We study algorithmic questions
pertaining to modern Image processing such as personalized multimedia
search engines based on information geometry, or computational
photography: a creative field which aims at redefining the very
essence of photography.


*Safety and security of distributed and concurrent systems*
  within the COMETE research team led by Dr. Catuscia Palamidessi
   (catuscia at lix.polytechnique.fr)

Modern computation systems are often distributed on heterogenous
networks based on several different technologies. Nevertheless,
they have to conform to specifications of security, performance,
reliability and so on. The objective of this chair is to conceive
distributed and concurrent computational models that allow a
systematic treatment of such difficult tasks, particularly for what
concerns formal verification methods.


*Software engineering for industrial complex systems*
  within the SYSMO research team led by Prof. Leo Liberti
   (liberti at lix.polytechnique.fr)

The SYSMO team is looking for a candidate with a research track on
software engineering:
- formal models of computation (formal software engineering,
  distributed systems, synchronous systems, logic, semantics, etc.),
  software-oriented system engineering and architecture
- knowledge of an application domain: information systems, embedded
- research: modelling, optimization and/or verification of
  software-oriented systems.
Contact: Prof. Daniel Krob (dk at lix.polytechnique.fr)


*Teaching requirements*
Chair-endowed assistant professors are a relatively new statute which
allows for a reduced teaching load, corresponding to 1/3rd of the
standard load (i.e. 64h instead of 192h per academic year). CNRS
provides the Chair endowment for a period of 2 years (which can be
renewed once). Teaching will take place within the Department of
Computer Science (DIX), Ecole Polytechnique.
Contact: Prof. Benjamin Werner (benjamin.werner at polytechnique.org)

The affiliation of the successful candidate will be at LIX, Ecole
Polytechnique (Director ad interim: Prof. Olivier Bournez)
(olivier.bournez at lix.polytechnique.fr).

LIX URL: http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr

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