[Opt-net] PhD position in "discrete and convex geometry" at FU Berlin
Raman Sanyal
sanyal at math.fu-berlin.de
Thu Dec 15 13:47:49 MET 2011
We are currently offering a PhD position in the area of "discrete and convex geometry"
in the context of the ERC Advanced Grant "SDModels". The emphasis of this position
is on connections between algebraic, convex, and optimization-theoretic properties of
discrete structures. Within the ERC project, the position is embedded in the
"Focus area 1: High-complexity geometry" and an emphasis is put on questions
relating to extremal examples.
A diploma/master degree is required. The application deadline is January 9, 2012.
For more information regarding the position and the application process see
http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/groups/discgeom/jobs/index.html (english)
http://www.fu-berlin.de/service/stellen/st_2011/st_20111212.html (deutsch)
or contact me by email.
Best wishes,
Raman Sanyal
Prof. Dr. Raman Sanyal
Inst. Math., FU Berlin
Arnimallee 2
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 75 649
+49 30 838 75 660 (Secr.)
sanyal at math.fu-berlin.de
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