[Opt-net] Pretty Structures 2011

Leo Liberti leoliberti at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 13:03:38 MET 2011


This is a collection of mathematically entertaining short courses, 2
to 3 hours each, aimed at discrete mathematically versed ``street
people'', beginning graduate students in computational mathematics and so on.

It will take place during the week 2nd to 6th may 2011 in the historic
Hermite amphitheatre at the Institut Henri Poincare (IHP --- which has
an excellent library, by the way), in the center of Paris.

Confirmed speakers:

Kathie Cameron
Peter Cameron
Michele Conforti
Gerard Cornuejols
Jack Edmonds
Michel Habib
Leo Liberti
Frederic Meunier
Jacques Sakarovitch
Achill Schuermann
Nicolas Trotignon
Kristina Vuskovic

More details can be found at:

Here's a GoogleMaps link to the IHP:

We have absolutely no funding to sponsor attendance (either
travelling, or room/board).

To let us know you wish to attend the lectures, or for any question,
please write to lliberti at hotmail.com

The organizers:
Jack Edmonds
Leo Liberti

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