[Opt-net] Call for Papers - YoungOR 17

Ender Ozcan exo at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Fri Jan 14 15:06:59 MET 2011

[Please circulate to all those who might be interested, and accept our
apologies if you received multiple copies of this announcement]
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                   Call for Papers  

                 YoungOR 17 Conference

 5-7 April 2011, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham
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Young OR is a conference, organised biennially by The OR Society, the UK's
Operational Research Society, and intended for academics and practitioners
within the first 10 years of their careers in O.R.. Parallel streams of
talks are interspersed with presentations from plenary and keynote speakers.

Participants have the opportunity to present their work to peers in a
supportive environment, while learning about how O.R. techniques have been
used in a wide range of applications. The learning and networking
environment provides a great opportunity to meet fellow O.R. practitioners
and facilitates sharing of best practice. Attendees can learn about new
areas where O.R. can make an impact.

There are a number of streams and we are now inviting speakers to sign up.
If you are interested in presenting, please submit your abstract through the
Submit Title or Abstract option via the link below as soon as you can.

Please refer to the stream descriptions at 


or see the current list of streams below. If your talk does not fall into
one of the areas listed please contact the Conference Chair (Suchi
Collingwood), or the Joint Programme Schedulers and Stream Co-ordinators
(Andrew Parkes and Ender Ozcan) at the email addresses detailed below.

A Young OR Guide to.: 
Suchi Collingwood (and the YOR17 committee) suchi.collingwood at dwp.gsi.gov.uk

Dawen Peng, Capgemini Consulting, dawen.peng at capgemini.com

Criminal Justice: 
Alex Dunnett, Ministry of Justice, alex.dunnett at cjs.gsi.gov.uk

Data Envelopment Analysis: 
Kazim Baris Atici, Warwick Business School, k.b.atici at warwick.ac.uk

Decision Analysis: 
Alejandra Duenas, IESEG School of Management, Paris, a.duenas at ieseg.fr

Defence & Security: 
Nicholas Bell, Dstl, nbell at mail.dstl.gov.uk

Rosie Wilkie, IPA Energy & Water Economics, Rosie.Wilkie at ipaeconomics.com

Kieran Payne, Queens University Belfast, k.payne at qub.ac.uk

Neil Urquhart, Napier University, N.Urquhart at napier.ac.uk

Kerem Akartunali, University of Strathclyde, kerem.akartunali at strath.ac.uk

Queuing Systems: 
Burak Buke, Edinburgh University, b.buke at ed.ac.uk

Revenue Management & Forecasting: 
Arne Strauss, Lancaster University, a.strauss at lancaster.ac.uk

Risk and Uncertainty: 
Kuangyi Liu, Warwick Business School, Kuangyi.Liu at wbs.ac.uk

Mohammad Mesgarpour, University of Southampton, m.mesgarpour at soton.ac.uk

Oliver Macfarlane, Dstl, odmacfarlane at mail.dstl.gov.uk, Navid Izady,
Lancaster University, n.izady at lancaster.ac.uk, and James Watson, Tata Steel,
james.watson at tatasteel.com 

Soft Methods: 
Stephanie Lord, Dstl, smlord at mail.dstl.gov.uk

System Dynamics: 
Martin Kunc, Warwick Business School, Martin.Kunc at wbs.ac.uk

Transport & Logistics: 
Jason Atkin, University of Nottingham, jaa at cs.nott.ac.uk

Conference Chair: 
Suchi Collingwood, Department for Work and Pensions,
suchi.collingwood at dwp.gsi.gov.uk

Joint Programme Schedulers and Stream Co-ordinators: 
Andrew Parkes, University of Nottingham, ajp at Cs.Nott.AC.UK and Ender Ozcan,
University of Nottingham, exo at Cs.Nott.AC.UK

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