[Opt-net] Third call of ORP3

Antonio Manuel Rodriguez Chia antonio.rodriguezchia at uca.es
Wed Jan 26 18:56:56 MET 2011

Third Call  ORP3-2011. Cadiz (Spain)

This is the third announcement for the EURO Conference for young
OR researchers: the Operation Research Peripatetic Postgraduate
Programme (ORP3 2011) to be held in Cádiz (Spain) from September
13th to September 17th, 2011. Conference web site:
http://orp3.uca.es <http://orp3.uca.es/> <http://orp3.uca.es/>

Aims and Scope:

ORP3 is the EURO peripatetic conference, each edition of which is
hosted by a renowned European centre in Operations Research. It
organised biannually and is devoted to the Operational Research
field in its broadest sense. Previous conferences have been held
in Paris (2001), Lambrecht (2003), Valencia (2005) and Guimarães

ORP3 aims at being a forum promoting scientific and social
exchanges between the members of the future generation of
Operations Research in academic research and industry.

The conference is open to the whole scope of Operations Research,
but the following topics are mostly welcome:

- Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
- Discrete Optimization; Graphs & Networks
- Location Theory
- Transportation and Logistics
- Game Theory
- Network Optimization
- Multicriteria Optimization
- Production Management; Supply Chain Management
- Routing Problems

The conference is composed only of plenary sessions and each
participant will act as the chair and discussant of another
session. In addition, the Scientific Program includes four
tutorials and three seminars dedicated to specific issues whose
speakers are internationally renowned experts:

Tutorial I: Optimization on Networks.
            Arie Tamir, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

Tutorial II: Global Optimization.
             Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA.

Tutorial III: Combinatorial Optimization.
              Francisco Barahona, IBM Watson Research Center, New York.

Tutorial IV: Game Theory.
             Ignacio García-Jurado, Universidad de la Coruña, Spain.

Seminar I: Location and Routing problems.
           Ángel Corberán, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
           Alfredo Marín, Universidad de Murcia, Spain.

Seminar II: Transportation and logistics.
            Martine Labbé, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
            Stefan Nickel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Seminar III: Continuous and integer programming
             E. Carrizosa, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
             E. Fernández Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain.

Conference Venue:

The conference will be held in the Department of Statistics and
Operation Research from Cádiz University, Spain.

The conference will take place from 13 to 17 of September 2011,
At the campus of the Cádiz University.

Submission Requirements:

In order to attend ORP3 as a participant you must satisfy one of
the following conditions:

- To be a PhD student

- To be a young post doctoral OR researcher (maximum two years
after completing your doctoral thesis at the deadline for

- To be a young OR analyst (maximum two years of professional
experience at the deadline for submission)

The selection of participants is made by the scientific committee
on the basis of full paper submissions of publishable quality in
an international OR journal. Co-authored papers are acceptable as
long as they are presented by a participant satisfying the aforementioned
requirements. You have to submit an electronic version of your paper (PDF
PS) and short curriculum vitae) using the email address of the
congress: info.orp3 at uca.es

Registration Fee:

The registration fee is only euro 200. This includes all expenses
(conference fee, meals, coffee breaks, accommodation, social
program, conference dinner, proceeding books,...)

Registration details are given in the conference web site.

Important Dates:

January 31, 2011 Deadline for submission
June 15, 2011 Notification of acceptance
July 15, 2011 Deadline for registration

Scientific and Organizing Committee:

The scientific committee is formed by well established
in the field of Operations Research:

Chair: Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain

Co-Chair: Justo Puerto, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Members: Francisco Barahona, IBM Watson Research Center, New York
         Ángel Corberán, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
         Elena Fernández, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain
         Xavier Gandibleux, Universite de Nantes, France
         Stefan Ruzika, Kaiserslautern University, Germany
         Eligius M.T. Hendrix, Wageningen University, Netherlands
         Martine Labbé, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
         Mercedes Landete, Universidad Miguel Hernández,Spain
         Alfredo Marín, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
         Stefan Nickel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT), Germany
         Arie Tamir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
         Francisco Saldnha-da-Gama, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Members of the local organizing committee are:

Chair: Antonia Castaño Martínez

Co-Chairs: Inmaculada Espejo Miranda
           Concepción Valero Franco

Members: Juan Ignacio García García
         Juan Antonio García Ramos
         Bartolomé López Jiménez
         Juan Luis Peralta Sáez
         Carmen Dolores Ramos González
         Miguel Ángel Sordo Díaz
         Alfonso Suárez Llorens

Special Issue of Annals of Operations Research:

It will be published a special issue of Annals of Operations
Research on OR for young researchers and practitioners”, devoted to
Stimulate research activity of young researchers in all areas of Operations
Research. It will gather selected papers presented at ORP3 Conference as
well as other papers including at least one young author (papers can be
Coauthored with senior researchers). Papers submitted for this special
volume should make a significant
Contribution to any area of Operations Research.

All papers will follow the high standard refereeing process of
Annals of Operations Research. The Annals of Operations Research publish
peer-reviewed original articles dealing with key aspects of operations
research, including theory, practice, and computation.

Guest Editors:
Justo Puerto, puerto at us.es
Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía, antonio.rodriguezchia at uca.es
Arie Tamir, Atamir at post.tau.ac.il

Further Information:

For further information see


or send your request by e-mail to

info.orp3 at uca.es


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