[Opt-net] Symposium on Discrete Mathematics, August 17-18, 2012 at TU Berlin

Martin Skutella martin.skutella at tu-berlin.de
Thu Apr 5 23:13:28 MEST 2012


Call for Participation:

The Symposium on Discrete Mathematics, the biannual meeting of "Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik" of DMV (German Mathematical Society), will take place on August 17-18, 2012 at TU Berlin. The program consists of invited one-hour lectures by:

* Sylvia Boyd (University of Ottawa)
* Michel X. Goemans (MIT)
* Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University)
* Angelika Steger (ETH Zürich)
* Günter M. Ziegler (FU Berlin)

Moreover, there will be 30-minute talks by selected junior scientists (to be announced later) but no contributed talks by other participants.

On the occassion of the symposium, the Richard-Rado-Preis 2012 for a dissertation in Discrete Mathematics will be awarded. The prize is funded by a donation of Springer-Verlag.

The symposium will be held two days before ISMP 2012 (www.ismp2012.org), which will also take place at TU Berlin.

The registration fee for the Symposium on Discrete Mathematics is 20 Euro (to be paid on-site). If you would like to participate, please register by sending the following form by email to sdm2012 at math.tu-berlin.de

Herewith I register for the Symposium on
Discrete Mathematics 2012 at TU Berlin.

Last name:
First name:

I am interested in attending the conference 
dinner on Friday night (about 40 Euro per 
person): yes/no

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