[Opt-net] CFP - APPROX RANDOM 2012

Christina Robenek cot at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Mon Feb 13 10:13:18 MET 2012


APPROX 2012 and RANDOM 2012

15th Intl. Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems - APPROX 2012
16th Intl. Workshop on Randomization and Computation - RANDOM 2012


Aug. 15-17, 2012


Call for papers


15th Intl. Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems - APPROX 2012

16th Intl. Workshop on Randomization and Computation - RANDOM 2012

The 15th. International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for
Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX'2012) and the 16th.
International Workshop on Randomization and Computation (RANDOM'2012)
will be held on 15-17 August 2012 at M.I.T.
APPROX'2012 focuses on algorithmic and complexity theoretic issues
relevant to the development of efficient approximate solutions to
computationally difficult problems, while RANDOM'2012 focus on
applications of randomness to computational and combinatorial problems.
RANDOM'2012 is the sixteenth workshop in the series; APPROX'2012 is the
fifteenth in the series.


Papers are solicited in all research areas related to randomization and
approximation, including, but not limited to:


      design and analysis of approximation
      hardness of approximation
      small space, sub-linear time, and
      streaming algorithms
      embeddings and metric space methods
      mathematical programming methods
      combinatorial problems in graphs and
      game theory, markets, and economic
      geometric problems
      packing, covering, and scheduling
      approximate learning
      other applications


      design and analysis of randomized
      randomized complexity theory
      pseudorandomness and derandomization
      random combinatorial structures
      random walks/Markov chains
      expander graphs and randomness extractors
      probabilistic proof systems
      random projections and embeddings
      error-correcting codes
      average-case analysis
      property testing
      computational learning theory


Submissions must be received by 17:00pm (EDT) of April 20 at:
in order to be considered.
Abstract Format: Authors should submit an extended abstract (not a full
paper). An abstract should start with the title of the paper, each
author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by a
one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. This should then
be followed by a technical exposition of the main ideas and techniques
used to achieve these results including motivation and a clear
comparison with related work.
The abstract should not exceed 10 single-spaced pages on letter-size
paper, using reasonable margins and at least 11-point font (not
including the references). If the authors believe that more details are
essential to substantiate the main claims of the paper, they may include
a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the
program committee.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings
is not allowed.


Proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag series Lecture
Notes in Computer Science.
Previous proceedings of APPROX appeared as LNCS 1444, 1671, 1913, 2129,
2462, 2764, 3122, 3624, 4110 and 4627 while previous proceedings of
RANDOM appeared as LNCS 1269, 1518, 1671, 2129, 2483, 2764, 3122, 3624,
4110, 4627 and as Proceedings in Informatics 8.


Submissions: April 20, 2012
Notifications: June 8, 2012
Camera ready: June 18, 2012



Alexandr Andoni (Microsoft Research SVC)
Yossi Azar (Tel-Aviv University)
Shuchi Chawla (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Anupam Gupta (Carnegie Mellon University, chair)
Sariel Har-Peled (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Jochen Koenemann (University of Waterloo)
Amit Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
Lap Chi Lau (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Konstantin Makarychev (IBM Watson)
Monaldo Mastrolilli (IDSIA)
Dana Moshkovitz (MIT)
Rene Sitters (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
David Steurer (Microsoft Research and Cornell)
Kunal Talwar (Microsoft Research SVC)
Jan Vondrak (IBM Almaden)
Lisa Zhang (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs)


Eli Ben-Sasson (Technion)
Andrej Bogdanov (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Mark Braverman (Princeton)
Colin Cooper (King's College, London)
Tobias Friedrich (Saarland University / Max-Planck-Institut)
Tali Kaufman (Bar-Ilan University / Weizmann Institute of Science)
Raghu Meka (Institute for Advanced Study)
Jelani Nelson (Princeton)
Ilan Newman (University of Haifa)
Ryan O'Donnell (Carnegie Mellon University)
Konstantinos Panagiotou (Max-Planck-Institut)
Prasad Raghavendra (Georgia Tech)
Atri Rudra (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Rocco Servedio (Columbia, chair)
Alistair Sinclair (UC Berkeley)
Emanuele Viola (Northeastern)


Anupam Gupta, Carnegie Mellon University

Rocco Servedio, Columbia University


Jose Rolim, U. of Geneva
Klaus Jansen, U. of Kiel





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