[Opt-net] PH.D. or Postdoc Position

Margit Kainerstorfer orcos at eos.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Mar 14 13:10:18 MET 2012

The Research Unit for Operations Research and Control Systems (ORCOS)
within the Institute for Mathematical Methods in Economics (IWM)
at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
is looking for one PhD. or postdoc candidate to work on
Modeling and Control of Contagious Phenomena.

The candidates are supposed to have at least a master degree in applied 
mathematics (preferably in mathematical modeling, numerical mathematics, 
or differential equations) with a certain experience in computer 
implementation of numerical algorithms.

The work will be in the field of mathematical modeling and optimal 
control of contagious population processes (mainly in epidemiology), 
development of relevant numerical methods and MATLAB implementations.

Remuneration is based on the salary scale of the Austrian Science Fund 
(FWF; see http://www.fwf.ac.at/de/projects/personalkostensaetze.html). 
The approximate annual gross salary for a Ph.D. candidate is EUR 27,000, 
that of a postdoc is EUR 47,000. The position is offered for a maximum 
duration of 24 months. Work should commence in May/June 2012. An 
extension of the contract for preparation and defense of a Ph.D. may be 
possible. Candidates with finished Ph.D. are also encouraged to apply.

The Vienna University of Technology is an Equal Opportunity Employer and 
seeks to increase the number of its female staff members. Therefore 
qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal 
qualification, female candidates will be given preference.

Please send your application to margit.kainerstorfer at tuwien.ac.at

Application deadline: April 15, 2012

Prof. Vladimir Veliov
Head of ORCOS
Research Unit "Operations Research and Control Systems"
Institute for Mathematical Methods in Economics
Vienna University of Technology
Argentinierstr. 8, E105-4
1040 Vienna, Austria
phone: +43 1 58801 10541

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