[Opt-net] Call for INFORMS OS Prize Nominations, due June 30, 2012

Jim Luedtke jrluedt1 at wisc.edu
Tue Mar 27 05:15:32 MEST 2012

The INFORMS Optimization Society awards four prizes annually at the
INFORMS annual meeting.  We seek nominations for each of them, due by
June 30, 2012.  Each of the four awards includes a cash amount of US$
1,000 and a citation certificate.  The four awards are listed below
with links to more information about them, including detailed
eligibility requirements.  For each award, nominations and inquiries
should be sent directly via email to the chair of the corresponding
prize committee.

Khachiyan Prize
* Awarded for outstanding lifetime contributions to the field of
optimization by an individual or team.
* 2012 Committee Chair: Kurt Anstreicher (kurt-anstreicher at uiowa.edu)
* http://www.informs.org/Community/Optimization-Society/Optimization-Society-Prizes/Khachiyan-Prize

Farkas Prize
* Awarded for outstanding contributions by a mid-career researcher to
the fi eld of optimization, over the course of their career.
* 2012 Committee Chair: David Shmoys (shmoys at cs.cornell.edu)
* http://www.informs.org/Community/Optimization-Society/Optimization-Society-Prizes/Farkas-Prize

Prize for Young Researchers
* Awarded to one or more young researcher(s) for an outstanding paper
in optimization that is submitted to and accepted, or published in a
refereed professional journal.
* 2012 Committee Chair: Endre Boros (Endre.Boros at rutcor.rutgers.edu)
* http://www.informs.org/Community/Optimization-Society/Optimization-Society-Prizes/Young-Researchers

Student Paper Prize
* Awarded to one or more student(s) for an outstanding paper in
optimization that is submitted to and received or published in a
refereed professional journal within three calendar years preceding
the year of the award.
* 2012 Committee Chair: Katya Scheinberg (katyas at lehigh.edu)
* http://www.informs.org/Community/Optimization-Society/Optimization-Society-Prizes/Student-Paper-Prize

Jim Luedtke, Assistant Professor
Secretary/Treasurer, INFORMS Optimization Society
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
3236 Mechanical Engineering Building
1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706

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