[Opt-Net] Approx and Random 2013 - Call for Papers
Stefan Kraft
stkr at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Mon Apr 8 11:39:16 MEST 2013
APPROX 2013 and RANDOM 2013
16th Intl. Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems - APPROX 2013
17th Intl. Workshop on Randomization and Computation - RANDOM 2013
Aug. 21-23, 2013
Call for papers
Submission deadline: April 17, 17:00 PDT
Notifications: June 11
Camera ready: June 18
The 16th. International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for
Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX'2013), and the 17th.
International Workshop on Randomization and Computation (RANDOM'2013)
will be held in 21-23 August 2013 at Berkeley.
APPROX'2013 focuses on algorithmic and complexity theoretic issues
relevant to the development of efficient approximate solutions to
computationally difficult problems, while RANDOM'2013 focuses on
applications of randomness to computational and combinatorial problems.
RANDOM'2013 is the seventeenth workshop in the series; APPROX'2013 is
the sixteenth in the series.
Papers are solicited in all research areas related to randomization and
approximation, including, but not limited to:
" design and analysis of approximation algorithms
" hardness of approximation
" small space, sub-linear time and streaming algorithms
" embeddings and metric space methods
" mathematical programming methods
" combinatorial problems in graphs and networks
" game theory, markets, and economic applications
" geometric problems
" packing, covering, and scheduling
" approximate learning
" other applications
" design and analysis of randomized algorithms
" randomized complexity theory
" pseudorandomness and derandomization
" random combinatorial structures
" random walks/Markov chains
" expander graphs and randomness extractors
" probabilistic proof systems
" random projections and embeddings
" error-correcting codes
" average-case analysis
" property testing
" computational learning theory
Abstract Format: Electronic submissions are solicited. Please consult
the following servers:
For submission of APPROX papers:
For submission of RANDOM papers:
Note: You will be asked to login using an EasyChair account. Directions
on how to register for such an account are available at the submission
servers (you may also have an old account from a previous conference
The submission must be received by 17:00 (PDT) of April 17 for your
submission to be considered.
Abstract Format: Authors should submit an extended abstract (not a full
paper). An abstract should start with the title of the paper, each
author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by a
one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. This should then
be followed by a technical exposition of the main ideas and techniques
used to achieve these results including motivation and a clear
comparison with related work.
The abstract should not exceed 10 single-spaced pages on letter-size
paper, using reasonable margins and at least 11-point font (not
including the references). If the authors believe that more details are
essential to substantiate the main claims of the paper, they may include
a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the
program committee.
Simultaneous submission
Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings
is not allowed.
Proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag series Lecture
Notes in Computer Science.
Previous proceedings of APPROX appeared as LNCS 1444, 1671, 1913, 2129,
2462, 2764, 3122, 3624, 4110 and 4627 while previous proceedings of
RANDOM appeared as LNCS 1269, 1518, 1671, 2129, 2483, 2764, 3122, 3624,
4110, 4627 and as Proceedings in Informatics 8.
Nikhil Bansal - Eindhoven University
Chandra Chekuri - UIUC
Eden Chlamtac - Ben Gurion University
Nikhil Devanur - Microsoft Research
Uriel Feige - Weizmann Institute
Claire Mathieu - Brown University
Ankur Moitra - Institute of Advanced Study
Seffi Naor - Technion University
Yuval Rabani - Hebrew University
Prasad Raghavendra - University of California, Berkeley (Chair)
Roy Schwartz - Microsoft Research
Mohit Singh - Microsoft Research
Ola Svensson - EPFL
Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi - University of Maryland, College Park
Madhur Tulsiani - TTI Chicago
Rico Zenklusen - John Hopkins University
Amit Chakrabarti - Dartmouth College
Nikolaos Fountoulakis - University of Birmingham
Ariel Gabizon - Technion
Parikshit Gopalan - Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley
Dan Gutfreund - IBM Research, Haifa
Prahladh Harsha - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India
Tomas Hayes - University of New Mexico
Michael Krivelevich - Tel Aviv University
Shachar Lovett - UCSD
Russell Martin - University of Liverpool
Dieter van Melkebeek - University of Wisconsin--Madison
Sofya Raskhodnikova - Pennsylvania State University (Chair)
Shubhangi Saraf - Rutgers University
Christian Sohler - TU Dortmund University
David P. Woodruff - IBM Research, Almaden
Amir Yehudayoff - Technion
Program Chairs
Prasad Raghavendra - University of California, Berkeley
email: prasad at cs.berkeley.edu
Sofya Raskhodnikova - Pennsylvania State University
email:sofya at cse.psu.edu
Workshop Chairs
José Rolim, U. of Geneva
e-mail: jose.rolim at unige.ch
Klaus Jansen, U. of Kiel
e-mail: kj at informatik.uni-kiel.de
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