[Opt-Net] First CFP: EURO Summer Winter Institute “OR applied to health in a modern world”, June 2014

Roberto Aringhieri roberto.aringhieri at unito.it
Fri Jul 12 19:58:53 MEST 2013


First Call For Papers: EURO Summer Winter Institute
“Operational Research applied to health in a modern world”
June 2014 – Forte di Bard, Bard, Italy

WWW: 		http://di.unito.it/eswihealth2014
CFP:		http://di.unito.it/eswihealth2014firstcfp

The OR Societies of Italy and the UK are pleased to announce a EURO Summer 
Winter Institute (ESWI) in June 2014 on the theme “Operational Research applied 
to health in a modern world”.

OR modelling for healthcare has developed with the complexities of the modern world. 
Health Care Systems (HCS) are often awash with data but managers are unable to 
benefit while concerned only with trouble-shooting. 
Furthermore, HCS should reflect a patient centered and societal perspective focusing 
on outcomes rather than only on output. ESWI Health 2014 will bring together those 
issues proposing new modelling and solution techniques to aid decision makers in 
the fields of health and disease management, patient flow and all aspects of optimal 
use of scarce resources.

ESWI will be held during one of the following periods:
    From 04 to 13 June 2014
    From 11 to 20 June 2014
Dates will be announced later and defined in order to maximize the participation of 
international speakers.

Important dates:
- 31st July 2013: deadline for expressions of interest.
- 1st February 2014: deadline for submission of applications.
- 1st March 2014: selection of Candidates by Scientific Committee and communication 
   to the National OR Societies.
- 31st October 2014: submission of final versions of papers for publication in the special 

Expressions of interest:
Expressions of interest are now being sought in order to assess the likely number of 
participants. Please email 
	eswihealth2014 [ A T ] di [dot] unito [dot] it 
if you are considering submitting a paper.

Applicants will submit their papers to the Scientific Committee, along with a curriculum 
vitae. The committee will select and rank the candidates on the basis of submitted papers, 
and afterwards channel this information to the national OR societies for funding decisions. 
Candidates fulfilling the eligibility rules but exceeding the number of 25 participants may 
be accepted, in a limited number, in the ESWI. Such candidates should cover their expenses. 
Fees will be also required but their amount will be defined later.

The organising committee:
	Dr Roberto Aringhieri, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
	Dr Vincent Knight, Cardiff University, UK
	Dr Honora Smith, University of Southampton, UK

**we apologize for any cross-posting of this message**


Dr Roberto Aringhieri, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185, I-10149 Torino, Italy
Office: +39 011 6706755 - Mobile: +39 331 1239026

ESWI 2014: http://di.unito.it/eswihealth2014

ORAHS officer: http://orahs.di.unito.it/

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