[Opt-Net] [Mycolleagues] Call for work-in-progress (WIP) papers - SustainIT 2013 (deadline June 20)
Valerio Arnaboldi
valerio.arnaboldi at iit.cnr.it
Tue May 28 19:16:23 MEST 2013
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The Third IFIP Conference on
Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability
(SustainIT 2013)
October 30-31, 2013
Palermo, Sicily, Italy
- Technically sponsored by the IFIP TC6 WG 6.3 (Performance of Communication Systems)
- Technically co-sponsored by IEEE TCCC (Technical Committee on Computer Communications)
- In cooperation with IEEE TSGCC (Technical Subcommittee on Green Communications and Computing)
- Supported by EINS: The Network of Excellence in Internet Science
**** WIP Paper Submission Deadline --- JUNE 20, 2013 ****
SustainIT 2012 invites Work in Progress (WIP) papers showing innovative and original research in the areas of Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability. Submissions from both industry and academia are strongly encouraged. WIP papers are expected to report on early and emerging results and bring about novel research questions, approaches, and directions. The specific aim of the WiP session is to provide a forum for timely presentation, discussion and feedback for novel, controversial, and thought provoking ideas. All selected papers will be presented as posters in a special conference session. In addition, all selected papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
For this special session we solicit original papers addressing both theoretical and practical aspects of energy-awareness for Internet-based systems, and the design of ICT solutions for eco-sustainability. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Green Internet
- Power-aware Internet applications
- Energy-efficient network architecture and protocols
- Green wireless networking
- Energy-efficient network technologies
- Cross-layer optimization for green networking
- Standards and metrics for green communications
- Energy-efficient management of network resources
- Energy efficiency in data centres
- Energy efficiency, Quality of Service, and reliability
- Algorithms for reduced power, energy and heat
- Data processing in smart energy systems
- ICT for energy efficiency in smart homes and buildings
- ICT for sustainable smart cities
- ICT for sustainable transports and logistics
- ICT for green mobility
- ICT for energy efficiency in industrial environments
- ICT for smart grids
- Security and privacy in ICT for energy systems
- Sustainability achievements due to ICT-based optimization
- Energy consumption measurements, models, and monitoring tools
- Measurement and evaluation of the Internet sustainability
- Test-bed and prototype implementations
All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. WIP papers are expected to present early or ongoing research activities. Novel approaches and preliminary results are especially appreciated.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through EDAS. Manuscripts must be formatted in accordance with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines (http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=14317). Manuscripts must be limited to 5 pages, single spacing, double column, and must STRICTLY adhere to the template format. Detailed instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are available on the conference website (http://www.dicgim.unipa.it/networks/sustainit2013/submission.html).
Submission implies the willingness of, at least, one author to register and attend the conference to present the paper. The organizers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference.
- Paper submission deadline: June 20, 2013
- Acceptance notification: July 15, 2013
- Camera-ready version due: July 30, 2013
For questions about the demonstration submission and review process, please contact
Raffaele Bruno, IIT-CNR, Italy - raffaele (dot) bruno (at) iit (dot) cnr (dot) it
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