[Opt-Net] Call for papers on Global Optimization with Multiple Objectives, JOGO, final, extended deadline

Miettinen Kaisa kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
Wed Nov 6 22:40:46 CET 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Based on several requests, the deadline for submissions for the upcoming special issues of the Journal of Global Optimization devoted to Global Optimization with Multiple Objectives has been extended till the end of December, 2013. Please, note that this is the final extension. The call for papers is available at http://static.springer.com/sgw/documents/1425204/application/pdf/call+for+papers-SI-JOGO2013-extended2.pdf and below. Please, forward this call for papers to those who may be interested in submitting a paper. We welcome high-quality submissions meeting the objectives of both the journal and the special issue.

On behalf of the guest editors,
Kaisa Miettinen

Special Issue on
Global Optimization with Multiple Objectives

of the Journal of Global Optimization
(published by Springer)

Guest editors:

Kaisa Miettinen, Jussi Hakanen, Dmitry Podkopaev and Ingrida Steponavice

Submission deadline (extended):
December 31, 2013

The goal of this special issue is to present advanced research in global multiobjective optimization.at the intersection of global and multiobjective optimization. We invite unpublished high quality papers which address challenges of global optimization involving multiple objectives. Many optimization problems (such as nonconvex, stochastic or combinatorial optimization problems) have both global and local optima. For solving such problems one needs to implement sophisticated global search strategies. In problems involving multiple objectives an additional challenge is posed by the fact that the notion of a solution to such problems is not unique.

We welcome papers with a significant amount of new scientific contribution in theory, methods and applications of global optimization involving multiple objectives in line with the scope of the Journal of Global Optimization - an international journal dealing with theoretical and computational aspects of seeking global optima and their applications in science, management and engineering.


Authors should follow the Instructions for Authors of the Journal of Global Optimization and submit their high quality manuscript via Springer's online Editorial Manager www.editorialmanager.com/jogo/<http://www.editorialmanager.com/jogo/> by December 31, 2013. The maximum number of pages is 15 (plus an online supplement, if needed). While submitting, please make sure to choose in the Editorial Manager SI: MCDM2013 as the Article Type.

N.B. Submissions are sent to reviewers as they arrive and papers accepted for publication are made electronically available via SpringerLink before the Special Issue is published.

Professor Kaisa Miettinen, PhD
Industrial Optimization Group: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/optgroup/
Dept. of Mathematical Information Technology, P.O. Box 35 (Agora)
FI-40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
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Vice-rector of the University of Jyvaskyla, https://www.jyu.fi/hallinto/rehtorit/miettinen
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tel. +358 50 3732247 (mob.)
fax: +358 14 2602771
email: kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
homepage: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine and http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/engl.html
* President of the International Society on MCDM: http://www.mcdmsociety.org/
* Former president of EUROPT, EURO Working Group on Continuous Optimization
* My book: Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization, Kluwer:  http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/book/

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