[Opt-Net] SCIP Workshop 2014: Call for Participation and Presentations

Gregor Hendel hendel at zib.de
Tue Aug 12 17:12:54 CEST 2014

Dear SCIP users,

We are happy to announce that following the workshop in Darmstadt 2012,
there will be a similar SCIP workshop this year from

      September 30 to October 2, 2014.

The workshop aims at providing a forum for current and prospective SCIP
users to discuss their applications and share their experiences with
SCIP. It is free of charge and will take place at Zuse Institute Berlin,
Takustr. 7, Berlin, see

The first day of the workshop will be dedicated to a hands-on
introduction into the SCIP Optimization Suite, followed by two days of
scientific talks, including a plenary talk by

      Andrea Lodi from the University of Bologna,

on October 2 and talks by developers of the SCIP Optimization Suite
about their research.

However, the focus of these two days is on your applications and
experiences with SCIP. Therefore, we invite you to participate and to
give an approximately 30-minute talk on your research. The idea is that
you present the mathematical background of what you do with SCIP and
give some details on how you use SCIP.  There will also be time to
discuss problems or issues that you are having with SCIP.

While we recommend for participants to attend the complete workshop, it
is possible to attend only the introduction day or the final two days
of scientific talks.

For more details about the SCIP workshop see


where we will also post more information as soon as available.

If you want to attend the workshop, please write to

scipworkshop2014 at zib.de

by August 25, 2014 and answer the following questions:
1) do you join the SCIP introduction?
2) will you attend the two days of scientific talks?
3) do you plan to give a talk?

We hope to see you in Berlin!

The SCIP team

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