[Opt-Net] 6th AIMMS/MOPTA International Optimization Modeling Competition

Luis Zuluaga luis.zuluaga at lehigh.edu
Tue Feb 25 23:57:24 CET 2014

6th AIMMS/MOPTA International Optimization Modeling Competition

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we announce the sixth AIMMS/MOPTA
Optimization Modeling Competition.  The competition is jointly organized
by the conference organizers of MOPTA (http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~mopta/)
and AIMMS (http://www.aimms.com).  Finalists are expected to attend and
present their results at the 2014 MOPTA Conference to be held August 13-15,
2014 at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA.

Teams of at most three students can participate. The team leader has to
be a graduate student, though the other members of the team can be
advanced undergraduate students. Each member of the team must be
registered as a full-time student at a recognized educational institution
during the Spring term of the 2013-2014 academic year. Students with a
background in optimization, regardless of their actual field of study, are
eligible. Collaboration between students from different departments is
strongly encouraged. Each team must declare a team advisor with which
the team may consult about the problem and their solution. It is the team
advisor's responsibility to ensure that the students have appropriate
knowledge for the competition. The team advisor should not be involved
as a participant in the solution process.

As the conference is international, so is the competition. Teams from all
over the world can participate, as long as at least one team member can
come to the conference, should the team make it to the final round. The
official language of the competition is English.

The competition problem has been posted; please visit:


for a description of the problem and further details.

All teams must  *register* for the competition in order to participate.

Important Dates:
  Registration Due: 13 June 2014 (but please register as soon
                                                       as you start
work on the problem)
  Solutions Due: 13 June 2014
  Finalists Chosen: 4 July 2014
  Conference Begins: 13 August 2014

For questions, please contact Luis F. Zuluaga, luis.zuluaga at lehigh.edu
and Alberto J. Lamadrid, ajlamadrid at lehigh.edu


Luis F. Zuluaga,
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University

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