[Opt-Net] QPlib2014: call for instances

Fabio Furini fabio.furini at dauphine.fr
Wed Jan 15 12:32:29 CET 2014

Quadratic programming problems have received an increasing amount of
attention in recent years, both from theoretical and practical points of
view. However, a library specifically conceived for this class of problems
does not exist yet. For this reason we feel the need to define a standard
test set to compare the performance of different generic quadratic
optimization software and to evaluate the computational performance of
newly developed algorithms and solution techniques. We are looking for
interesting and challenging problems from all fields of Global
Optimization, Operations Research and Combinatorial Optimization, ideally
those which have been built to model real life problems.

We are interested in benchmarking instances with the following

* Generic Quadratic objective function.
* Binary, integer and continuous variables.
* Generic Quadratic and/or linear constraints.

Please submit by email to the following address: QPlib2014 at gmail.com

The submitted instances must be in one of the following formats:
GAMS/AMPL/LP. The submission of instances should be accompanied by a few
lines of description with the following information:

* authors/institution/company providing the instance
* references (optional)
* optimum value or upper and lower bounds (optional)
* any additional relevant information (optional)

Please find the QPlib2014 web page here:

The submission deadline is: 1st March 2014.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions, doubts or additional

We are looking forward to your contribution!

The QPlib2014 Committee:

* Alper Atamturk
* Pietro Belotti
* Samuel Burer
* Sourour Elloumi
* Antonio Frangioni
* Fabio Furini
* Nick Gould
* Leo Liberti
* Andrea Lodi
* Ruth Misener
* Frederic Roupin
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