[Opt-Net] Workshop Industrial Optimization at HCO, Heidelberg University

Stefan Koerkel stefan.koerkel at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Jan 17 11:14:48 CET 2014

Industrial Optimization - Compact Course and Challenge Workshop

February 17-20, 2014, 9:00 - 17:00

Heidelberg Collaboratory for Industrial Optimization (HCO)
IWR - Im Neuenheimer Feld 368 - 69120 Heidelberg


Optimization plays a crucial role in designing and conducting
industrial processes. The potential gains range from saving valuable
resources over achieving ambitious production goals to increasing
profit margins. The mathematical models of the processes are typically
nonlinear and dynamic. Thus, complex dynamic optimization or optimal
control problems need to be formulated and solved. This field poses
numerous challenges for scientific computing and interdisciplinary

The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists and decision
makers from industry and academia to initiate new projects and to
foster new structured collaborations in industrial optimization.

The workshop comprises
- a two-day compact course on simulation and optimization methods
- case studies on optimization problems in industrial practice and
  on successful collaborations of industrial and academic research
- challenge workshop for the identification of current and future
  research and development requirements

Target Group: Scientists and Decision Makers from Industry, University
and Research Institutions, Doctoral Students

Supported by IWR, HGS MathComp, MATCH and KoMSO

Organizers: D. Beigel, H. G. Bock, D. Clever, C. Kirches, S. Koerkel,
K. Mombaur, A. Potschka, J. P. Schloeder, M. J. Winckler

Registration and further Information: www.industrialoptimization.uni-hd.de
Early bird registration: January 24, 2014

Heidelberg Collaboratory for Industrial Optimization (HCO)
IWR, Heidelberg University
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-(0)6221 54-8238
Email: industrialoptimization at uni-hd.de

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