[Opt-Net] Workshop ALEL 2014 (Seville, June 5-7)

Marco Antonio Lopez Cerda marco.antonio at ua.es
Mon Jan 27 16:25:00 CET 2014

Dear friends,

This is the announcement of an optimization workshop to be held in Seville, 
next June. Please insert it in Opt-Net-Digest.

Thank you very much for the support of Opt-Net.
Warm regards,

Marco A. López
Alicante University.

ALEL 14, Seville (Spain), June 5-7, 2014

This is the fifth edition of an International Conference in Optimization Theory 
and its Applications co-organized by the IMUS of University of Seville (co-
Chair: Victoria Martín-Márquez) and University of Limoges (co-Chair: Michel 
Théra) in collaboration with University of Alicante and University Miguel 
Hernández of Elche. The first and fourth editions took place at University of 
Limoges, France, while the second was held at University of Alicante and the 
third in Castro Urdiales, Spain.

 The meeting will be hosted by the IMUS (Mathematical Institute of University 
of Seville) from 5th to 7th June 2014. 

Aim and scope: The main goal of the meeting is to build a strong network in 
Optimization and Applied Analysis which connects researchers from Spain, France 
and other countries with the aim of promoting a broad exchange of information 
and new developments in the areas of convex and nonsmooth analysis, numerical 
methods and semi-infinite optimization, among others. 

The website of ALEL 14 is http://www.imus.us.es/ALEL14/

•Deadline for registration and abstracts of posters: 2 May 2014 
•Conference: 5-7 June 2014 

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