[Opt-Net] PhD position at IWR, Heidelberg

Stefan Koerkel stefan.koerkel at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Jan 30 14:59:41 CET 2014

The Junior Research Group Optimum Experimental Design at the HGS
MathComp at IWR, Heidelberg University

offers a
                        Three-Year Doctoral Scholarship
funded by BASF.

The project will be supervised by Dr. Stefan Koerkel and Prof. Dr. Guido

As part of the project, the following topics should be worked on:

- Investigation of concepts and development of methods for
optimization-based model validation of 2D and 3D PDE problems,

- Solution of PDE problems with local error control, adaptive spatial
discretization  and tailored linear algebra solvers using the deal.II
library for finite elements,

- Development of tailored methods for internal numerical differentiation
of the PDE solution

- Using the thus calculated derivatives for parameter estimation,
optimal oontrol and optimal design of experiments,

- Investigation of all-at-once optimization approaches compared to a
sequential approach,

- Modeling of prototypical examples in cooperation with BASF.

The applicant should have an above-average Master or Diploma degree in
Mathematics or a related field. Acceptance for Promotion by the Faculty
of Mathematics and Computer Science at Heidelberg University must be
possible, if necessary subject to conditions.

Knowledge of numerical mathematics and optimization is required, as well
as programming experience in C++ and disposition to work
interdisciplinarily and cooperate with industrial partners,

To increase the proportion of women in research and teaching women are
explicitly encouraged to apply .

Applications should be sent electronically in ONE PDF file (max. 5 MB)
to Dr. Stefan Koerkel, stefan.koerkel at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de, and Prof.
Dr. Guido Kanschat, kanschat at uni-heidelberg.de.

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