[Opt-Net] PhD position at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on liner shipping network design

Stefan Ropke sropke at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 16:25:17 CEST 2014

Dear all,

A 3-year PhD position in Operations Research is vacant at DTU Management
Engineering. The PhD project is financed by the Danish Council for
Strategic Research and by DTU and will be carried out in collaboration with
our industrial collaborator Maersk Line.

*Responsibilities and tasks *
The PhD project is part of a larger project concerning container liner
networks. Container ships usually sail on fixed routes following a fixed
schedule, quite similar to how public busses operate. The choice of routes
and schedules can have a large impact on the profitability of the container
line business and therefore we are interested in applying operations
research techniques to optimize the network. A single route may sometimes
be operated by several companies in collaboration using vessel sharing
agreements. This put further constraints on the network design since it may
be complicated to change the routes that are agreed upon by several

The aim of the PhD project is to develop methods for constructing container
liner networks and improving existing networks. It is desirable for the
method to take vessel sharing agreements into account. When changing an
existing network it is desirable to make gentle changes such that the
disruption caused by the network re-design will be small. The PhD project
will be carried out under the supervision of Professors Stefan Røpke and
David Pisinger.

The applicant is also expected to contribute to teaching at the department
and must take courses equivalent to 30 ECTS points during the studies.

*Qualifications *
The applicant should have a strong background in Operations Research or
related subjects. This background must be documented by courses, MSc / BSc
theses and/or publications. Good English skills and programming experience
is expected.

*Further information and application process*
Please see
http://www.man.dtu.dk/english/About-the-Department/Vacant-positions for
further information and for applying for the position. For questions,
please contact Professor Stefan Røpke, ropke at dtu.dk or Professor David
Pisinger, dapi at dtu.dk.
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