[Opt-Net] Call for proposals to organize the MCDA/MCDM Summer School in 2016

Miettinen Kaisa kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
Sun Jun 15 20:22:43 CEST 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Please, find below and attached a call for proposals to organize the next MCDA/MCDM Summer School in 2016. Please, kindly distribute it to potentially interested colleagues.

With best regards, Kaisa Miettinen

Call for Proposals to Organize the MCDA/MCDM Summer School in 2016

International Summer Schools on MCDA/MCDM spread out knowledge of multicriteria decision aiding (MCDA) and multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) (including methods, theory, applications and software) among researchers and practitioners of future generations. The Summer Schools, organized every three years, are joint events of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (http://www.mcdmsociety.org) and EURO Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding (http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/ewgmcda).

We welcome proposals to host and organize the next MCDA/MCDM Summer School in 2016.

While preparing the proposal, please, pay careful attention to the Guide for Organizers of MCDA/MCDM Summer Schools and make sure that you are prepared to follow it. The Guide can be found at http://mcdmsociety.org/conf.html#Guide_School.

The Organizer of the Summer School is responsible for the finances of the summer school and is expected to lead the organization and to disseminate widely information as directed and helped by the Co-ordinating Committee (introduced in the Guide). The current members are Profs Jose Figueira (figueira at ist.utl.pt<mailto:figueira at ist.utl.pt>), Martin Josef Geiger (m.j.geiger at hsu-hh.de<mailto:m.j.geiger at hsu-hh.de>), Salvatore Greco (salgreco at unict.it<mailto:salgreco at unict.it>), Murat Köksalan (president-elect at mcdmsociety.org<mailto:president-elect at mcdmsociety.org>), Kaisa Miettinen (president at mcdmsociety.org<mailto:president at mcdmsociety.org>), Francisco Ruiz (secretary at mcdmsociety.org<mailto:secretary at mcdmsociety.org>) and Roman Slowinski (roman.slowinski at cs.put.poznan.pl<mailto:roman.slowinski at cs.put.poznan.pl>).
The proposal should contain at least the following information:

1.      Name of Organizer(s) with address, email and telephone

2.      Contact email address (if other than the one above)

3.      Venue and host institution of the Summer School

4.      Tentative dates of the Summer School

5.      Support from host institution and from other organizations (if available or whether can be applied, e.g. financial or other type, please, specify details)

6.      Possible assistance available (estimate of the number of staff members and students to be involved in local organization)

7.      Estimated participation fee (including accommodation, lunches, coffees, material given to the participants). Indicate also maximum participation fee which will not be exceeded

8.      Information about how the Summer School venue can be reached from e.g. main airports

9.      Proximity of accommodation to the Summer School venue

10.  Information whether some of the instructions in the Guide cannot be followed (with explanation why so)

11.  Any past experience in organizing summer schools or international conferences and collecting financial support for them (in the proposed venue or elsewhere, give names, dates and further information)

The Co-ordinating Committee will make the decision in the autumn 2014. It is possible that the decision of the organizer of the subsequent Summer School will be made as well, so, please mention in your proposal whether you are interested in organizing the summer school in 2019.

Send your proposal by email to the President of the International Society on MCDM, Prof. Kaisa Miettinen, at president at mcdmsociety.org<mailto:president at mcdmsociety.org> by September 30, 2014. You may contact any member of the Co-ordinating Committee for further information.

Professor Kaisa Miettinen, PhD
Industrial Optimization Group: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/optgroup/
Dept. of Mathematical Information Technology, P.O. Box 35 (Agora)
FI-40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
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Vice-rector of the University of Jyvaskyla, https://www.jyu.fi/hallinto/rehtorit/miettinen
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tel. +358 50 3732247 (mob.)
fax: +358 14 2602771
email: kaisa.miettinen at jyu.fi
homepage: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine and http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/engl.html
* President of the International Society on MCDM: http://www.mcdmsociety.org/
* Former president of EUROPT, EURO Working Group on Continuous Optimization
* My book: Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization, Kluwer:  http://www.mit.jyu.fi/miettine/book/

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