[Opt-Net] Professor of Operations Research, University of Newcastle, Australia

Hamish Waterer hamish.waterer at newcastle.edu.au
Mon Sep 15 07:41:04 CEST 2014

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
University of Newcastle, Australia

An opportunity exists for an outstanding individual to provide vision
and leadership for the optimisation / operations research discipline.
The successful candidate will promote and foster a collaborative,
dynamic, productive and globally competitive research environment
through research collaboration, external grant income, publication
outputs, and research higher degree graduates. The promotion of
excellence in teaching and learning through appropriate curriculum
development and delivery is also a key requirement of this role.

The successful candidate will demonstrate leadership in operations
research and its applications in any mainstream or emerging area of
the field, as well as a successful track record of attracting research
funding, underpinned by an understanding of the Australian research
funding system and national research priorities.

This is an exciting time to be part of the Faculty of Science and
Information Technology. This position offers exceptional opportunities
to lead a strong team of academics in fundamental and applied research
and to collaborate with supply chain and food technologies to bring
together industry and academics to achieve optimal outcomes.

The Professor of Operations Research is offered as a full-time,
ongoing Professorial (Academic Level E) position. An attractive
remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate.

Initial enquiries, in confidence, should be made to Dr Rosalind De
Sailly, De Sailly Consulting, on +61 (0) 414 574 945 or email
OperationsResearch at desailly.com.au

Applications close Friday 3 October 2014.

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