[Opt-Net] ICS 2015 - Call for Integer Programming Abstract Submissions

Jim Luedtke jrluedt1 at wisc.edu
Fri Sep 26 22:52:43 CEST 2014

We are inviting abstract submissions for talks in the integer
programming track at the 2015 INFORMS Computing Society conference, to
be held January 11-13, 2015 in Richmond, Virginia, USA.  The
conference theme is: Operations Research and Computing: Algorithms and
Software for Analytics.  The plenary speakers will be David Applegate,
Vašek Chvátal, and Richard Stallman, and tutorials will be given by
Karla Hoffman and Suvrajeet Sen.  More information about the
conference is available here:

If you are interested in presenting a talk in the integer programming
track, please submit an abstract here:


The deadline for abstract submissions is October 20, 2014.  Abstracts
will be reviewed and notification of whether or not the abstract is
accepted will be given by November 2, 2014.


Simge Küçükyavuz
Jim Luedtke
Co-chairs, 2015 ICS Conference Integer Programming Track

Jim Luedtke, Associate Professor
Secretary/Treasurer, INFORMS Optimization Society
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
3236 Mechanical Engineering Building
1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706

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