[Opt-Net] a new blog on Industrial Mathematics

Dietmar Hoemberg hoemberg at wias-berlin.de
Wed Apr 22 21:44:53 CEST 2015

Dear all,

The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) is pleased
to announce the ECMI blog is now online at http://ecmiindmath.org <http://ecmiindmath.org/>. It
contains up-to-date information about events and opportunities in
industrial and applied mathematics and will also feature the different
ECMI centres.

If you would like to spread information about workshops, conferences,
study groups, jobs, project calls, anything of interest to the
industrial and applied math community, please send the text you would
like to have posted to news at ecmiindmath.org <mailto:news at ecmiindmath.org> .

Note that you can subscribe to news by email, so that you need not
worry about missing anything. To do so you just have to enter your
email address in the field at the bottom of the page and click FOLLOW.

Please pass this information around your institution and encourage
everyone to subscribe and submit their news.

Best regards,

Dietmar Hoemberg (hoemberg at wias-berlin.de <mailto:hoemberg at wias-berlin.de>)

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