[Opt-Net] VeRoLog in Vienna - deadline approaching

richard.hartl at univie.ac.at richard.hartl at univie.ac.at
Fri Jan 9 19:43:13 CET 2015

   Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization 2015
           Vienna, Austria, June 8-10

Reminder of the deadline approaching:


The fourth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics 
Optimization will take place in Vienna from June 8-10, 2015.

The VeRoLog conference is an established annual meeting bringing together the large 
community of researchers and practitioners interested in vehicle routing optimization and its 
relations with logistics. The VeRoLog conference typically attracts between 150 and 200 
researchers and practitioners from all over the world. The conference is open to high quality 
methodological contributions and relevant real-world applications and case studies from the 
industry and the services.

As an additional bonus to VeRoLog participants, the ELOCOT - Conference on 
Electromobility in Logistics and Commercial Transport will take place as a one day event on 
June 10, 2015. 

For more Info, please consult the webpage http://verolog2015.univie.ac.at/

Meanwhile a tentative time schedule is available. 
Registration and hints for hotel bookings will be available soon.

Austrian Airlines (member of Star Alliance) will support the conference as official carrier by 
offering participants of VeRoLog a 15% reduction on regular prices for all OS operated flights 
to/from Vienna. Conditions can be found here:


See you in Vienna!

On behalf of the organizers, Richard F. Hartl

 ___ ____ __ ___
 / _ \ / __ \ / \_/ /\ o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Richard F. 
/ ___/\/ /_/ /\ / /\__/ / / stv. Institutsvorstand
/ /\__\/\____/ // / / / / / Lehrstuhl f. Produktion und 
\_\/ \___\/ \_\/ \_\/ Universität Wien / BWZ

Rossauer Lände 3 / Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
A-1090 Wien

Tel. +43-1-4277-38091 E-Mail: 
Richard.Hartl at univie.ac.at
Tel. +43-1-4277-38092 (Sekretärin) 
Fax. +43-1-4277-838091    http://prolog.univie.ac.at

Senior Extramural Fellow des
Center for Economic Research (CentER), Tilburg

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