[Opt-Net] CfP: ORAHS 2015, 41th ORAHS Conference, July 19-24 2015, Montréal, Canada

Roberto Aringhieri roberto.aringhieri at unito.it
Thu Mar 12 16:17:16 CET 2015

*ORAHS 2015, 41th ORAHS Conference*
*July 19-24 2015*
*Montréal, Canada*

Web page : https://symposia.cirrelt.ca/ORAHS2015
email: orahs2015 at cirrelt.ca

We would like to announce the ORAHS 2015 Conference, the 41th annual
meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health
Services. The conference will take place at HEC Montréal, in Montréal
(Québec, Canada).

The conference theme is “Networking Health: Facing the Challenges in
Healthcare Management”. Over recent years, health services in most
countries have been confronted with rising demands while having to face
more and more restrictive budgetary conditions. In addition, health
services are now increasingly conceived as networks where different
entities must be managed and coordinated. This constantly evolving
environment raises complex challenges with respect to organization,
resource and personnel planning and management, efficiency and performance
measures and improvements. This conference will provide an ideal forum to
present and discuss ways to attain these objectives. In addition, this
year’s ORAHS conference will take place across the Atlantic, in Montréal
(Canada), thus providing the added opportunity to compare and exchange
European and Canadian\North American perspectives on these challenges and
the ways to deal with them.

The conference will consist of parallel sessions for invited and
contributed talks as well as a poster session. Plenary talks will be given
by researchers from the OR community and by healthcare practitioners.

As is tradition with ORAHS meetings, a series of social activities will be
organized around the strong scientific program. This social program
includes a one-day tour and a boat trip on the Saint-Laurence River from
where participants will be able to enjoy the beauty of Montreal from a
different perspective.

All researchers interested in healthcare applications are invited to
participate in this conference and to submit a presentation. For abstract
submission and registration please refer to the conference webpage:

*Important dates:*
Abstract Submission:                 		April 17th, 2015
Notification of Acceptance:           	May 15th, 2015
Early Registration:                         	May 29th, 2015

*Organizing Committee:*
Patrick Soriano (HEC Montréal and CIRRELT)
Angel Ruiz Bartolomé (OSD, FSA, Université Laval and CIRRELT)
Nadia Lahrichi (MAGI, Polytechnique and CIRRELT)
Valérie Bélanger (HEC Montréal and CIRRELT)
Semih Yalcindag (HEC Montréal and CIRRELT)
Yannick Kergosien (Polytech Tours, France)

*International Program Committee*
Angela Testi (Italy)
Erik Demeulemeester (Belgium)
Erwin Hans (The Netherlands)
Greet Vanden Berghe (Belgium)
Jan Vissers (The Netherlands)
Margarida Vaz Pato (Portugal)
Maria Eugénia Captivo (Portugal)
Marion Rauner (Austria)
Michael Carter (Canada)
Mónica Oliveira (Portugal)
Roberto Aringhieri (Italy)
Sally Brailsford (United Kingdom)
Xiaolan Xie (France)
Yasar A. Özcan (USA)

Dr Roberto Aringhieri, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Torino
Corso Svizzera 185, I-10149 Torino, Italy
Office: +39 011 6706755 - Mobile: +39 331 1239026
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