[Opt-Net] Call for PostDocs

Martin Hoefer mhoefer at mpi-inf.mpg.de
Tue Nov 24 15:05:32 CET 2015

The Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics seeks several


for the Algorithms and Complexity Department

directed by Kurt Mehlhorn.

We are looking for applicants from all areas of algorithmics, including 
related areas like computer algebra, complexity theory, and discrete 
optimization. We are also seeking researchers interested in distributed 
computing and computational geometry.

The Max Planck Institute for Informatics is located on the campus of 
Saarland University in Saarbruecken, Germany. Currently, more than 40 
researchers of several nationalities work in the Algorithms and 
Complexity Department. Our working language is English. The group 
collaborates with several major research institutions in Europe and the 
U.S. and has high international visibility. There is generous travel 
support available for all group members. Postdoctoral fellowships are 
available for one or two years through the Guest Program of our 
institute. Guest researchers are free in their choice of research topics 
and collaborators.

The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more individuals with 
disabilities and expressly welcomes these to apply.

The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the percentage of women in the 
areas where they are underrepresented and expressly encourages these to 

Applications are to be submitted via our web form at


by uploading a single PDF-file containing

* a curriculum vitae,
* a complete list of publications, and
* a research plan (1 page suffices).

The submission server is online now, and applications are reviewed as 
they are received. We encourage you to apply early; however, all 
applications that are submitted by January 3rd, 2016 will receive full 

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