[Opt-Net] Special Session on Computational Intelligence in Marketing and Social Sciences

Patrick Siarry siarry at u-pec.fr
Fri Nov 27 13:29:39 CET 2015

Call for Papers
Special Session on Computational Intelligence in Marketing and Social Sciences
(CIMSS 2016)
In conjunction with WCCI 2016 (http://www.wcci2016.org/)
Vancouver, Canada, July 25-29, 2016

(Papers Due: January 15, 2016)

Computational intelligence has a long history of applications to marketing and plays an important role in establishing the interdisciplinary pool of methodologies employed in marketing science research. For example, evolutionary algorithms, artificial neural networks, support vector machines and fuzzy logic have been used in demand forecasting, direct marketing and cross selling, among others. Expert systems have been used for decision support in brand management, and data mining has become a core component of customer relationship management in marketing. Likewise, the use of computational intelligence in social science research allows heightened understanding of the dynamics of complex systems. Agent-based modelling, using agents whose intelligence includes full-blown creativity thanks to their ability to learn and to adapt, is revealing information about such systems that has never before been supported.

The purpose of this special session is to bring together the computational intelligence community as well as researchers from marketing and social sciences to set up visions on how state-of-art computational intelligence techniques can be and are used for insightful marketing and social science analysis, and how marketing and social scientists can contribute in promoting new applications with computational intelligence.

We invite submissions of original, previously unpublished papers with topics on, but not limited to, the following:

Technical issues include (but not limited to)
 -Evolutionary Algorithms
-Artificial Neural Networks
 -Support Vector Machines/Support Vector Regression
 -Fuzzy Logic
 -Expert Systems
 -Data Mining
 -Knowledge Discovery
-Business Intelligence
-Machine Learning
- Agent Based Modelling

Issues of marketing and social sciences include (but not limited to)
-Sales/Demand Forecasting
-Response Modelling
-Retailing and Pricing
-Customer Relationship Management
-Brand Management
-Social Marketing
-Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences
-Computational Social Science
-Politics, Public Policy and Law

Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission: January 15, 2016
Acceptance Notification: March 15, 2016
Camera-Ready Papers: April 15, 2016

See http://www.wcci2016.org/submission.php (please select "Computational Intelligence in Marketing and Social Sciences" as the main research topic)

Papers submitted to this cross-disciplinary special session of CIMSS (if accepted and presented) will be published in one of the three conference proceedings (IJCNN, FUZZ-IEEE or IEEE CEC) that is deemed most appropriate based on the topic(s). The decision will be made by the special session organisers in consultation with the Special Session Chair and one of the three Conference Chairs.

Special Session Organisers:
Raymond Chiong (Raymond.Chiong at newcastle.edu.au<mailto:Raymond.Chiong at newcastle.edu.au>), The University of Newcastle, Australia
Yukun Bao (yukunbao at hust.edu.cn<mailto:yukunbao at hust.edu.cn>), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Manuel Chica (manuel.chica at softcomputing.es<mailto:manuel.chica at softcomputing.es>), European Centre for Soft Computing, Spain
Sergio Damas (sergio.damas at softcomputing.es<mailto:sergio.damas at softcomputing.es>), European Centre for Soft Computing, Spain

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