[Opt-Net] CTW 2016: Call for papers
Alberto Ceselli
Alberto.Ceselli at unimi.it
Wed Oct 7 16:16:25 CEST 2015
14th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs & Combinatorial Optimization
Gargnano, Italy
June 6-8, 2016.
* Website: http://ctw16.di.unimi.it
* Deadline for submission: February 14, 2016
* Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2016
* Workshop dates: June 6-8, 2016
The 14th CTW welcomes contributions on theory and applications of
discrete optimization algorithms, graphs and combinatorial structures in
a wide sense. Following a well established tradition, the 14th edition
of the workshop aims to disseminate scientific results, especially by
doctoral students and young researchers, in a friendly and interactive
If you want to submit a contribution, please prepare an extended
abstract of at most 4 pages by February 14, 2016 following the
guidelines on the workshop website at http://ctw16.di.unimi.it.
Workshop proceedings will be published as Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics (ISSN: 1571-0653).
A special issue of an international journal, containing selected full
length papers, refereed according to high standards, is also planned.
Ali Fuat Akaya (U Marmara)
Alberto Ceselli (U Milano)
Roberto Cordone (U Milano)
Ekrem Duman (U Ozyegin)
Ulrich Faigle (U Cologne)
Johann L. Hurink (U Twente)
Leo Liberti (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Bodo Manthey (U Twente)
Gaia Nicosia (U Roma Tre)
Andrea Pacifici (U Roma Tor Vergata)
Stefan Pickl (UBw Muenchen)
Giovanni Righini (U Milano)
Rainer Schrader (U Cologne)
Ruediger Schultz (U Duisburg-Essen)
Alberto Ceselli, Roberto Cordone, Marco Premoli, Giovanni Righini,
Andrea Taverna
For further details, please contact: optlab at unimi.it
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