[Opt-Net] Call for Nominations: INFORMS Opt. Society Student Paper Prize, due July 15

Jim Luedtke jim.luedtke at wisc.edu
Wed Jun 29 23:03:34 CEST 2016

With apologies for cross-posting.

Nominations for the INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize are
due July 15. The award includes a cash amount of US $1,000 and a citation
plaque. Nominations, including letters from non-student co-authors, should
be sent by email to the committee chair, Jim Luedtke (jim.luedtke at wisc.edu).
The other prize committee members are: Guzin Bayraksan, Shiqian Ma, and
Mohit Tawarmalani

Following are the rules and nomination instructions of the IOS student
paper prize:

- Awarded to one or more student(s) for an outstanding paper in
optimization that is submitted to and received or published in a refereed
professional journal within three calendar years preceding the year of the
- Every nominee/applicant must be a student on the first of January of the
year of the award.
- Any coauthor(s) not nominated for the award should send a letter to the
prize committee chair indicating that the majority of the nominated work
was performed by the nominee(s).
- The award winners will be invited to give a presentation in a special
session sponsored by the Optimization Society during the INFORMS annual
meeting in Nashville, TN in November 2016 (the winners will be responsible
for their own travel expenses to the meeting).
- Award winners are asked to contribute an article about their
award-winning work to the annual Optimization Society newsletter.

Jim Luedtke, Associate Professor
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
3236 Mechanical Engineering Building
1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706
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