[Opt-Net] EthOR Award 2016 - organized by the EURO Working Group on Ethics and OR

Erik Kropat erik.kropat at unibw.de
Tue Mar 22 19:14:45 CET 2016

Dear colleagues,*

It is a great pleasure to announce the *EthOR Award 2016* organized by 
the *EURO Working Group (EWG) on Ethics and Operations Research *( 

The purpose of this award is to distinguish *outstanding **work by young 
graduate OR researchers preparing or completing a PhD promoting ethical 
dimensions in OR-based studies.*

Many fields of application may be considered like energy, environment, 
health care, peace studies, economics, corporate social responsibility, 
finance and others.

*The third edition of the /EthOR Award/will be awarded at the EURO-2016 
conference in Poznan, Poland (EURO XXVIII, July 3-6, 2016, 

*How to apply?*
The researcher should prepare an extended abstract of maximum 6 pages 
summarising his or her research work relevant for OR and ethical issues. 
Furthermore an accompanying letter must be joined giving the candidate 
details, setting out the general framework of the PhD research, and 
explaining why it is relevant for the EthOR Award.

***** The deadline for applications **is 15th April ****
**Please send applications to *erik.kropat at unibw.de *with copy to* 
pkunsch at vub.ac.be**

Best regards,

*Erik Kropat*
erik.kropat at unibw.de  - Chairman of the EWG on Ethics and Operations 

*Pierre Kunsch*
pkunsch at vub.ac.be <mailto:pkunsch at vub.ac.be> - Chairman of the EthOR 
Award Committee

On behalf of the EWG Ethics and OR


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