[Opt-Net] Workshop "Computational Optimization in Action" & NATCOR Convex Optimization PhD Course in Edinburgh

KALCSICS Joerg Joerg.Kalcsics at ed.ac.uk
Wed May 11 19:12:12 CEST 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The following two events in Edinburgh may be of interest to you.

Join in and enjoy.

A one-day Workshop "Computational Optimization in Action"

Location:   International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh (UK)

Date:       Friday 17 June 2016


with the following invited speakers:

   Miguel F. Anjos, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada

   Michael C. Ferris, University of Wisconsin, USA (keynote speaker)

   Michal Kocvara, University of Birmingham, UK

   Daniel Ralph, University of Cambridge, UK The attendance is free, but please do register so that we know you are coming.


NATCOR (http://www.natcor.ac.uk/) Convex Optimization PhD Course:

Location:   International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh (UK)

Dates:      13-17 June, 2016


This 5-day course is a part of UK-wide PhD training program.

Registration:     http://www.natcor.ac.uk/course.asp?courses_id=26

With best wishes,

Jacek Gondzio and Julian Hall

Edinburgh Research Group on Optimization (ERGO) http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/ERGO

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