[Opt-Net] Faculty positions at University of Chile

Jose Correa correa at uchile.cl
Sun Nov 13 09:31:04 CET 2016

Faculty positions at Industrial Engineering, University of Chile The Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Chile, is seeking to fill academic positions in the areas of Operations Management, Operations Research and Management Science. Industrial Engineering (http://www.dii.uchile.cl/) has a research group in theory and practice of OR/MS with strong international connections to prestigious academic centers. Our faculty serve in the editorial board of the most prestigious journal of the profession including Management Science, Operations Research, M&SOM, POM, Mathematical Programming and Mathematics of Operations Research. Their research has been recognized by a number of prestigious prizes such as the IFORS Prize, the INFORMS’s Edelman Prize, the Wagner Prize, and several best paper awards. The OR/MS group at the Department of Industrial Engineering also has vast and recognized experience in developing applied research in collaboration with companies and government agencies in the areas of forest engineering, mining, public procurement, scheduling, supply chain management, retailing, matching markets and data science applications. Faculty in the OR/MS group are also part of the Institute of Complex Engineering Systems (http://www.isci.cl/language/en/), a cross-disciplinary research center including  faculty of other schools and universities.
The Industrial Engineering Department has faculty working in a broad spectrum of areas, including Operations Research, Operations Management, Marketing, Information Systems, Finance and Economics. It is part of the School of Engineering at the University of Chile, which  is one of the top schools in engineering and science in Chile, attracting the best undergraduate and graduate students in the region. The department has strong research oriented masters programs in OR/MS and in Economics, and a world-class doctoral program which is attracting talented students from Latin-America and beyond.
Doctoral degree in operations management, operations research, computer science or similar fields.
Candidates are expected to establish a strong research agenda and to teach undergraduate and graduate courses. Teaching in Spanish is desirable but not a requirement. 
Review of materials will be ongoing until the positions are filled. Applications should include: a cover letter, a C.V., a statement of research with relevant publications and work in progress, and 3 letters of recommendation. Applications should be sent by email to: jobsearch at dii.uchile.cl
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