[Opt-Net] Position of junior research group leader for "Optimization under Uncertainty" at TU Berlin

Skutella, Martin, Prof. Dr. martin.skutella at tu-berlin.de
Mon Oct 3 16:44:30 CEST 2016

Position of junior research group leader for "Optimization under Uncertainty" at TU Berlin

In the framework of the Einstein Center for Mathematics Berlin (ECMath) we are looking for candidates to lead a junior research group "Optimization under Uncertainty" in the area of Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics. The position is paid according to "Entgeltgruppe 14 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen". 

The area of Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics plays a key role as a connecting link between mathematics, computer science, and applications in economics and industry. Candidates are expected to have a solid background in Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics with clear connections to Discrete Optimization and the ECMath Innovation Area "Mathematics in Metropolitan Infrastructure". Favored research areas are Optimization under Uncertainty, Robust Optimization, and Algorithmic Game Theory. Candidates should be interested in interdisciplinary projects with other scientific disciplines as well as industry. 

We are looking for postdocs who have already proved their scientific independence and are about to establish their own research program. Initially the position is limited to 3 years and might be extended to 6 years upon positive evaluation and subject to availability of funds. The junior research group also includes a position for a PhD student. 

Please send your written application by October 28th, 2016 with appropriate documentation to 

TU Berlin 
- Der Praesident - 
Fak. II, Sekr. MA 3-1 
Str. des 17. Juni 136 
10623 Berlin 

Please send copies only. Original documents will not be returned. 

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