[Opt-Net] Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students 2017: Sponsored summer projects in optimization and machine learning at Zuse Institute Berlin

Ambros Gleixner gleixner at zib.de
Fri Apr 7 17:47:23 CEST 2017

*** Call for applications for summer fellowships in Berlin ***

Dear colleagues,

For several years, Zuse Institute Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, and
the Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics at UCLA have been
co-organizing the student research program G-RIPS:

Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students in Berlin

European Master's and PhD students can apply for participation including
support for travel expenses and accommodation at


   April 15, 2017

This year's focus is on optimization and machine learning and one
project will be offered in conjunction with the MIP solver developers of
the SCIP Optimization Suite and Satalia.  Please consider forwarding
this opportunity to your students.  Don't hesitate to contact us in case
of questions.

Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students will offer
graduate students in mathematics and related disciplines the opportunity
to work on industry-sponsored research problems. Students from the U.S.
and Germany will work on cross-cultural teams on three research problems
designed by the industrial sponsor. The projects will be of serious
interest to the sponsor and will offer a stimulating challenge to
students; most will involve both analytic and computational work. At the
end of the program, the teams will present the results of their work and
prepare a final report. English is the only language required for

Best regards,
Ambros Gleixner

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