[Opt-Net] Two Freely-Available Supplements to "DLP and Extensions"

Larry Nazareth larry_nazareth at q.com
Tue Aug 15 19:12:38 CEST 2017

This announcement concerns two freely-available supplements to a 
previously-published monograph, Nazareth, J.L. (2001), DLP and 
Extensions: An Optimization Model and Decision Support System 
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, xvii+207 pgs.), which is 
currently distributed in whole, or individually by chapter, on 
Springer Link, and is also available from other outlets. These two 
freely-available supplements are as follows: 

1. A complete listing of the source code for the prototype 
implementation of the optimization techniques developed in the 
above monograph has now been published in the form of an E-Book 
as follows: Nazareth, J.L. (2017), DLPEDU: A Fortran-77 
Open-Source Prototype Implementation of the DLP Optimization 
System (vii+207 pgs.), which is freely available at 

2. A companion to the foregoing E-Book titled "A DLP Primer" 
(2017, 18 pgs.) is freely available at 
and it has two main aims: firstly, to provide an elementary introduction 
to the DLP decision- support system by means of a simple illustrative 
application to viticulture; and secondly, to facilitate and promote use 
of DLPEDU, the prototype implementation listed in the foregoing 
E-Book, as a platform for further research, application, and product 
development by interested researchers and entrepreneurs. 

Feedback on these two supplements to the monograph, sent by e-mail 
to either nazareth at amath.washington.edu or larry_nazareth at q.com 
would be welcome. 

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