[Opt-Net] PhD position in optimization at Univ. Klagenfurt (Austria)

angelika.wiegele at aau.at angelika.wiegele at aau.at
Mon Feb 6 11:30:05 CET 2017

A PhD position in optimization at the Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt is 
available. The position is within an international project funded by the 
Austrian Science Fund FWF and the Slovene Research Agency ARRS and deals with 
exact algorithms for binary quadratic problems.

Applicants must hold an MSc degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a
strongly related field at the time of hiring. The successful candidate will 
join the optimization group https://www.aau.at/mathematik/team/#Optimierung, a 
research team with wide international recognition.

The position comes with substantial travel funding.
There is no obligation to teach, but the possibility to teach (with additional 
Starting date is expected at latest September 1, 2017, but negotiable.

Applications including a CV, a letter of motivation, a PDF file of the 
master/diploma thesis and the name of one reference with her/his email-address, 
should be sent to

Angelika Wiegele
angelika.wiegele at aau.at

until March 15, 2017.

For further information do not hesitate to contact Angelika Wiegele.

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) aims to create an environment that 
young researchers will find beneficial and conducive to their research. Support 
for young researchers is available trough the Career progression for young 

The AAU is the most attractive campus university in Austria. With a charming 
campus in leafy surroundings and modern infrastructure, it is possible to blend 
studying and leisure in a single location.
Moreover, AAU is a certified family friendly employer.

Klagenfurt, home to around 100,000 inhabitants, is a modern city with a high 
quality of living and with a Mediterranean flair. The campus is situated very 
close to the mountains, lakes, and the Adriatic. One can enjoy almost any kind 
of sports, from stand-up paddling to mountaineering, on campus or just a 
stone’s throw away.

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