[Opt-Net] Matheuristics at MIC - call for abstracts

Vittorio Maniezzo vittorio.maniezzo at unibo.it
Thu Jan 12 09:21:38 CET 2017

I apologize for multiple posting. Please kindly disseminate this Call 
for Abstracts to your colleagues and contacts>


Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC 2017)
Barcelona, Spain, July 4th-7th 2015

Abstract submission deadline: 23 January 2017 (tell me if you need 
reasonable extensions)
Special Session webpage: http://mic2017.upf.edu/special-sessions/

Scope of the session
Matheuristics are a means to get model grounded good quality feasible 
solutions for complex optimization problems. The range of problems for 
which matheuristic techniques have proved effective has widened, going 
from the most theoretic ones to actual real-world case studies. This has 
been possible because the range of matheuristic techniques has similarly 
widened, showing the high research potential of studies aimed at the 
design of generic heuristic methods based on mathematical formulations 
of the problem of interest.
This session aims at bringing together the researchers exploiting 
mathematical programming (MP) techniques in a metaheuristic framework or 
working on granting to mathematical programming approaches the 
constrained-CPU-time effectiveness which characterizes metaheuristics.

Topics of interest for the session include but are not limited to 
studies on:
* Novel matheuristic frameworks;
* Dual information and decomposition in metaheuristics;
* Hybridizing metaheuristics with exact methods;
* Experimental analysis and modeling of matheuristics;
* Real world case histories of matheuristic applications.
* Metaheuristics as exact method components.

Abstract submission
Submissions to the special sessions will be through the same submission 
site as for the main conference with the rules detailed below. Abstracts 
can be submitted in any of these forms:
S1) Original research contributions for publication in the conference 
proceedings of a maximum of 10 pages.
S2) Extended abstracts of work-in-progress of a maximum of 3 pages.
S3) High-quality manuscripts that have recently, within the last six 
months, been submitted or accepted for journal publication.
All contributed paper submissions will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers 
will be published in the online proceedings that will be available at 
the conference. Accepted contributions of categories S1 and S2 will be 
published in the MIC 2017 conference proceedings.  Accepted 
contributions of category S3 will be orally presented at the conference, 
but not be included into the conference proceedings.

As authors of an invited session, you will submit the paper as follows.
1) Access the easychair web: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mic2017
2) Choose the first option (12nd Metaheuristics International Conference):
3) fill the form and at the end choose the corresponding invited session 
Submission guidelines can also be found here: 

Important dates
*   Submission deadline: January 23, 2017
*   Notification of acceptance: February 27, 2017
*   Camera-ready papers: March 6, 2017
*   Early registration due date: March 31, 2017
*   Conference: July 4-7 2017

Special session organizer
Vittorio Maniezzo  (Dept. Computer Science, University of Bologna, Italy)
Vittorio.maniezzo at unibo.it

Vittorio Maniezzo, prof.           || vittorio.maniezzo at unibo.it
Department of Computer Science     || tel. +39 331 6382417
University of Bologna              || skype: vittorio.maniezzo
via Sacchi, 3, 47521 Cesena, Italy || www.csr.unibo.it/~maniezzo

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