[Opt-Net] IFORS: Call for the session on Kidney Exchange Programs

Joao Pedro Pedroso jpp at fc.up.pt
Sun Jan 29 19:10:21 CET 2017

Dear colleagues,

We are kindly inviting you to submit an abstract to session on Kidney
Exchange Programs, in stream OR in Healthcare, at 21th Conference of
the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS
2017). The conference will be held in Quebec, Canada, from July 17 to
21, 2017 (http://ifors2017.ca/).

Within this session we seek contributions to cover recent advances
related to kidney exchange problems on the following topics among

  - Optimization models and software;
  - International issues;
  - Market design and game theoretic models;
  - Data intelligence and machine learning tools.

In order to submit an abstract, please go to
and use the session code: 8197aa3e

Abstracts: max. 1500 characters; submission deadline: Feb. 10, 2017

Session organizers:
Xenia Klimentova (INESC TEC) – xenia.klimentova [@] inesctec.pt
João Pedro Pedroso (University of Porto) - jpp [@] fc.up.pt

Kind regards,

João Pedro

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