[Opt-Net] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Algorithm Design using Integer Programming for Matching Problems

David Manlove David.Manlove at glasgow.ac.uk
Mon Jul 3 15:29:16 CEST 2017

Applications are invited for a 3-year, full-time postdoctoral position in the area of algorithm design and integer programming models for matching problems involving preferences.  The position will be based at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, with a preferred starting date between 1 October and 1 November 2017.

The successful candidate will join the Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms research section and will work with Dr David Manlove on the EPSRC-funded project "IP-Match: Integer Programming for Large and Complex Matching Problems" (EPSRC grant ref EP/P028306; see http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/P028306/1).

This project is in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics (EPSRC grant ref. EP/P029825/1) and the Project Partners NHS Blood and Transplant and Teach First.  It also shares common objectives with the EU-funded COST Action CA15210 (ENCKEP: "European Network for Collaboration on Kidney Exchange Programmes"; http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15210).

The project provides a unique opportunity for an algorithm designer to become engaged in research with significant impact, through developing algorithms for (i) the National Living Donor Kidney Sharing Schemes run by NHS Blood and Transplant, (ii) enabling graduates to be placed in teaching positions for Teach First, and (iii) allocating graduating medical students to hospital positions.

Applicants will have a PhD in the broad area of algorithms and complexity, with specialist theoretical and practical knowledge of algorithm design techniques for coping with NP-hard optimisation problems and excellent programming skills.  Preferably applicants will have knowledge of approximation algorithms and discrete optimisation techniques including integer programming, with prior experience of using integer programming solvers such as CPLEX and Gurobi.

Salary will be on the University's Research and Teaching Grade, level 7, £33,943 - £38,183 per annum.

Informal enquiries may be made to Dr David Manlove (email david.manlove at glasgow.ac.uk, telephone +44 141 330 2794).
Apply online at www.glasgow.ac.uk/jobs (vacancy ref 018470).  Closing date: Tuesday 8 August 2017.

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